For the kids.
Help to change the lives of children in Belize.
Spring Philanthropy
Each spring, Theta Chi- Gamma Tau’s philanthropy event is called Belize Dance Marathon. All of the proceeds go towards the James Arthur Albert Foundation. Their goal is to send children to school in Belize. These students cannot afford clothing, textbooks, or shoes, and they inspire all of us with their perseverance to obtain an education. Each dollar donated goes directly to the children and their education, and in 2022, we raised $29,000, sending over 115 kids to school!

GI Theta Chi.
Fall Philanthropy
In 2013, Theta Chi Fraternity became a partner of the USO (United Service Organizations). The USO strengthens America’s military service members by keeping them connected to family, home, and country, throughout their service to the nation.
Since 2013, Theta Chi chapters across North America have been fundraising and volunteering service hours in support of the USO. In 2015, Theta Chi launched a new endeavor called Operation Military Red - a friendly competition that tracks funds raised and hours served, by Theta Chi chapters, for the USO each school year.